Utilities and IPPs - Mainspring Energy | Mainspring Energy
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Unmatched Flexibility for Utilities and IPPs

For investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, cooperatives, and IPPs, Mainspring’s reliable design, software-controlled conversion of fuel to power, and scalable modularity deliver unparalleled flexibility in project size, dispatch capability, fuel choice, and permitability. Our platform is ideally suited for the grid transition from natural gas to hydrogen and ammonia, where power generation needs span onsite electrification, solving load pockets and non-wires alternatives locally, and building out large, clean, flexible, fast-ramping capacity projects that are hydrogen-ready today.

An Unmatched Combination of Features and Benefits

  • Fuel Flexible & H2 Ready

    Seamless transition between fuels with software
  • Near-Zero NOx

    Low-temperature reaction without a flame or burning
  • Permitting Anywhere

    Meets any air permitting requirements in the US
  • High Efficiency

    Direct conversion of linear motion into electricity with high part-load efficiency
  • Fully Dispatchable

    Flexible balancing/peaking power, fast-ramping, long-duration capacity
  • Scalable & Movable

    Install any amount of clean capacity and re-deploy as needed for dynamic needs

Any Size, Any Site Design

Mainspring’s modular design and streamlined installation process allow for easy scaling from small projects at customer load to distribution and transmission-connected arrays. Linear Generators utilize industry-standard controls topology that integrates seamlessly with third-party upstream SCADA or Energy Management Systems through a power plant controller, supporting a variety of market applications.

Flexible, Future-Ready Asset

Mainspring provides a flexible and highly efficient power solution tailored to diverse customer needs. With the proven fast and unlimited start-stop capability, quick power adjustment, fuel flexibility, efficient operation at various loads, and ability to be moved if needed, Linear Generators are ideally positioned to support the challenges associated with transition to a 100% renewable grid while electrifying the economy of the future. Mainspring’s Linear Generators are future-ready with unparalleled optionality, ensuring infrastructure investments are safe and sustainable, today and beyond.

Seamless Fuel Transitions

Mainspring’s product is designed to seamlessly transition with software between fuel sources including natural gas, green hydrogen, and green ammonia while maintaining an outstanding power conversion efficiency and low- or zero-carbon emission profile. Such fuel flexibility is not only critical for a reliable grid transition, but also to ensure power station uptime with physical fuel redundancy. Mainspring’s products bring tailored energy solutions that support resilience, reliability, and sustainability regardless of how regional fuel mixes evolve and change over time.

Mainspring’s Flexibility Enables the Grid Transition

Operational Flexibility

Dispatches with unlimited duration like a “bottomless battery,” while seamless fuel switching ensures reliability. Able to provide baseload, intermediate, peaking, or backup power as well as a wide range of ancillary services.

Investment Flexibility

Future-proof capacity and ability to run on hydrogen, ammonia, and other fuels eliminates stranded assets, while modularity enables right-sized capacity additions

Siting Flexibility

Deploys close to load to reduce need for new transmission and increase system resilience. Relocate easily as the grid evolves. Low noise, low emissions, and low visual impact.

18 MW Linear Generator array with 100 hrs of ammonia storage.

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“Many [customers] want clean, reliable power generation, with the capability to switch to 100% renewable fuels like biogas and hydrogen as they become available. Mainspring is able to integrate clean onsite generation with both renewables and the grid and we're pleased to support bringing this innovative product to market.“

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John Ketchum
President and CEO
NextEra Energy

“Mainspring’s flexible platform has potential use in a variety of applications from customer resiliency projects to grid-scale power plants.”

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Carlos Casablanca
Managing Director, Distribution Planning and Analysis

Avoiding Transmission Constraints

  1. Perfectly sized, easily permitted projects
  2. Lower cost, longer duration than batteries
  3. Island-mode capable, clean fuel ready
  4. Mobile and seasonal deployment options
  5. Accelerates electrification for EVs, buildings
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A “Bottomless Battery”

Mainspring’s products are fully dispatchable, which means they are able to ramp up and down with the full suite of fast-ramp ancillary services capability. With an inverter-based grid interface and modularity similar to battery energy storage, Mainspring Linear Generators are similar to BESS in their ability to scale from behind the meter to grid-scale power stations as well as their ability to quickly ramp.

Critically, however, Mainspring systems are not limited in their duration like batteries–whether fueled by hydrogen, ammonia, natural gas, or propane. As long as any of these fuels are available, the same system will be able to dispatch for days and weeks as needed, alleviating the systemic risk accompanying high penetration of short-duration batteries.

Mainspring: The Only Fully Flexible, Clean Capacity

The zero carbon grid needs clean, flexible capacity to firm renewables. Traditional capacity resources are lower efficiency, are limited in ramp, have high emissions - especially during startup - and are not truly hydrogen ready today. Batteries are constrained by state of charge and limited dispatch duration. Mainspring provides a clean, long-duration capacity solution with the ultimate flexibility necessary for the decarbonized grid.

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“This is a low-emissions, resilient, and affordable alternative that holds a lot of promise for our future.”

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Jason Glickman
Executive Vice President, Engineering, Planning & Strategy


Mainspring customers are achieving fast deployment of new capacity, cost savings, reduced emissions, increased resilience, and other essential benefits.